
deeplake.experimental.dataloader(dataset) DeepLakeDataLoader

Returns a DeepLakeDataLoader object which can be transformed to either pytorch dataloader or numpy.


datasetDataset object on which dataloader needs to be built


A DeepLakeDataLoader object.

Return type:



Creating a simple dataloader object which returns a batch of numpy arrays

>>> import deeplake
>>> from deeplake.experimental import dataloader
>>> ds_train = deeplake.load('hub://activeloop/fashion-mnist-train')
>>> train_loader = dataloader(ds_train).numpy()
>>> for i, data in enumerate(train_loader):
...     # custom logic on data
...     pass

Creating dataloader with custom transformation and batch size

>>> import torch
>>> from torchvision import datasets, transforms, models
>>> ds_train = deeplake.load('hub://activeloop/fashion-mnist-train')
>>> tform = transforms.Compose([
...     transforms.ToPILImage(), # Must convert to PIL image for subsequent operations to run
...     transforms.RandomRotation(20), # Image augmentation
...     transforms.ToTensor(), # Must convert to pytorch tensor for subsequent operations to run
...     transforms.Normalize([0.5], [0.5]),
... ])
>>> batch_size = 32
>>> #create dataloader with chaining transform function and batch size which returns batch of pytorch tensors
>>> train_loader = dataloader(ds_train)
...     .transform({'images': tform, 'labels': None})
...     .batch(batch_size)
...     .shuffle()
...     .pytorch()
>>> #loop over the elements
>>> for i, data in enumerate(train_loader):
...     # custom logic on data
...     pass

Creating dataloader and chaning with query

>>> ds = deeplake.load('hub://activeloop/coco-train')
>>> dl = dataloader(ds_train)
...     .query("(select * where contains(categories, 'car') limit 1000) union (select * where contains(categories, 'motorcycle') limit 1000)")
...     .pytorch()
>>> #loop over the elements
>>> for i, data in enumerate(train_loader):
...     # custom logic on data
...     pass
class deeplake.experimental.DeepLakeDataLoader(dataset, _batch_size=None, _shuffle=None, _num_threads=None, _num_workers=None, _collate=None, _transform=None, _distributed=None, _prefetch_factor=None, _tensors=None, _drop_last=False, _mode=None, _return_index=None, _primary_tensor_name=None, _buffer_size=None, _tobytes=None)
batch(batch_size: int, drop_last: bool = False)

Returns a batched DeepLakeDataLoader object.

  • batch_size (int) – Number of samples in each batch.

  • drop_last (bool) – If True, the last batch will be dropped if its size is less than batch_size. Defaults to False.


A DeepLakeDataLoader object.

Return type:



ValueError – If .batch() has already been called.

numpy(num_workers: int = 0, tensors: List[str] | None = None, num_threads: int | None = None, prefetch_factor: int = 2, tobytes: bool | Sequence[str] = False)

Returns a DeepLakeDataLoader object.

  • num_workers (int) – Number of workers to use for transforming and processing the data. Defaults to 0.

  • tensors (List[str], Optional) – List of tensors to load. If None, all tensors are loaded. Defaults to None.

  • num_threads (int, Optional) – Number of threads to use for fetching and decompressing the data. If None, the number of threads is automatically determined. Defaults to None.

  • prefetch_factor (int) – Number of batches to transform and collate in advance per worker. Defaults to 2.

  • tobytes (bool, Sequence[str]) – If True, samples will not be decompressed and their raw bytes will be returned instead of numpy arrays. Can also be a list of tensors, in which case those tensors alone will not be decompressed.


A DeepLakeDataLoader object.

Return type:



ValueError – If .to_pytorch() or .to_numpy() has already been called.

pytorch(num_workers: int = 0, collate_fn: Callable | None = None, tensors: List[str] | None = None, num_threads: int | None = None, prefetch_factor: int = 2, distributed: bool = False, return_index: bool = True, tobytes: bool | Sequence[str] = False)

Returns a DeepLakeDataLoader object.

  • num_workers (int) – Number of workers to use for transforming and processing the data. Defaults to 0.

  • collate_fn (Callable, Optional) – merges a list of samples to form a mini-batch of Tensor(s).

  • tensors (List[str], Optional) – List of tensors to load. If None, all tensors are loaded. Defaults to None.

  • num_threads (int, Optional) – Number of threads to use for fetching and decompressing the data. If None, the number of threads is automatically determined. Defaults to None.

  • prefetch_factor (int) – Number of batches to transform and collate in advance per worker. Defaults to 2.

  • distributed (bool) – Used for DDP training. Distributes different sections of the dataset to different ranks. Defaults to False.

  • return_index (bool) – Used to idnetify where loader needs to retur sample index or not. Defaults to True.

  • tobytes (bool, Sequence[str]) – If True, samples will not be decompressed and their raw bytes will be returned instead of numpy arrays. Can also be a list of tensors, in which case those tensors alone will not be decompressed.


A DeepLakeDataLoader object.

Return type:



ValueError – If .to_pytorch() or .to_numpy() has already been called.

query(query_string: str)

Returns a sliced DeepLakeDataLoader object with given query results. It allows to run SQL like queries on dataset and extract results. See supported keywords and the Tensor Query Language documentation here.


query_string (str) – An SQL string adjusted with new functionalities to run on the dataset object


A DeepLakeDataLoader object.

Return type:



>>> import deeplake
>>> from deeplake.experimental import dataloader
>>> ds = deeplake.load('hub://activeloop/fashion-mnist-train')
>>> query_ds_train = dataloader(ds_train).query("select * where labels != 5")
>>> import deeplake
>>> from deeplake.experimental import query
>>> ds_train = deeplake.load('hub://activeloop/coco-train')
>>> query_ds_train = dataloader(ds_train).query("(select * where contains(categories, 'car') limit 1000) union (select * where contains(categories, 'motorcycle') limit 1000)")
shuffle(shuffle: bool = True, buffer_size: int = 2048)

Returns a shuffled DeepLakeDataLoader object.

  • shuffle (bool) – shows wheter we need to shuffle elements or not. Defaults to True.

  • buffer_size (int) – The size of the buffer used to shuffle the data in MBs. Defaults to 2048 MB. Increasing the buffer_size will increase the extent of shuffling.


A DeepLakeDataLoader object.

Return type:



ValueError – If .shuffle() has already been called.

transform(transform: Callable | Dict[str, Callable | None], **kwargs: Dict)

Returns a transformed DeepLakeDataLoader object.

  • transform (Callable or Dict[Callable]) – A function or dictionary of functions to apply to the data.

  • kwargs – Additional arguments to be passed to transform. Only applicable if transform is a callable. Ignored if transform is a dictionary.


A DeepLakeDataLoader object.

Return type:



ValueError – If .transform() has already been called.