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Labelbox Integration

This document describes how to create Deep Lake datasets from Labelbox annotations. The API also allows you to update the dataset with new annotations.


python -m pip install labelbox

Supported Labelbox Ontologies

Video Ontology

For video ontolgy, python av library is used to extract frames from videos.

python -m pip install av

Uploading videos for annotation to Labelbox

Deeplake supports uploading videos to Labelbox using the Labelbox API.

from deeplake.integrations import create_labelbox_annotation_project

client = labelbox.Client(api_key=LABELBOX_API_KEY)

files = [] # list of video urls, can be all local or all remote.

# connect the ontology to the project
ontology = client.get_ontology('ontology_id_from_labelbox')

# create annotation project in labelbox
create_labelbox_annotation_project(files, 'dataset-for-deeplake-tests', 'project-for-deeplake-tests', LABELBOX_API_KEY, lb_ontology=ontology)

Creating a dataset from an annotated Labelbox project

To create a dataset from an annotated Labelbox project, you can use the following code:

from deeplake.integrations import (

# the path where we want to create the dataset
ds_path = "mem://labelbox_connect_test"

# the project id of the labelbox project that we want to create the dataset from
project_id = get_project_id()

# we pass the url presigner in cases when the videos are in cloud storage (
# for this case azure blob storage) and the videos were added to labelbox with their integrations functionality.
# the default one tries to use labelbox api to get the non public remote urls.
def url_presigner(url):
    sas_token = "<your azure token here>"
    # the second value is the headers that will be added to the request
    return url.partition("?")[0] + "?" + sas_token, {}

# create the dataset, this will extract the frames from the videos and create the dataset.
# the project_json is a json file that contains the project information from labelbox which we can reuse during the labels fetching.
ds, project_json = create_dataset_from_video_annotation_project(

# commit the dataset
ds.commit("create dataset")

# define the dataset provider
# the dataset provider can be used to update do some other operations on the dataset, before the annotations are applied.
def ds_provider(p):
    # we need to keep p (labelbox project name) with the ds path in case we need to refetch labeles.
    # this step is completely optional, we just need to be able to load the correct dataset for refetching labels.
    # our refetching example will be using the same mapping to retrieve the ds_path from the project name.
    with open(f'{project_id}_mapping.json', 'w') as f:
        import json
        json.dump({p: ds_path}, f)
        tag = ds.tags["labelbox"]
    return ds

# create the converter
converter = converter_for_video_project_with_id(
    group_mapping={"raster-segmentation": "mask"},

# generate the annotations
ds = converter.dataset_with_applied_annotations()

# commit the annotations to the dataset
ds.commit("add labelbox annotations")

Re-fetching the annotations from Labelbox to the existing dataset

At the moment, the for re-fetching the annotations from Labelbox to the existing dataset is not supported. However it will be supported in the future. In the meantime, you can keep the annotations in a separate dataset. There are only 2 requirements:

  • The dataset should have the same length as the dataset that you have created from Labelbox.
  • The dataset should have the same labelbox_meta metadata as the dataset that you have created from Labelbox.

Then you can UNION the two datasets.