Deep Memory API

Creating a Deep Memory

If Deep Memory is available on your plan, it will be automatically initialized when you create a Vector Store.


Base Deep Memory class to train and evaluate models on DeepMemory managed service.

Deep Memory Operations


Train a model on DeepMemory managed service.


Cancel a training job on DeepMemory managed service.


Delete a training job on DeepMemory managed service.

Deep Memory Properties


Get the status of a training job on DeepMemory managed service.


List all training jobs on DeepMemory managed service.


This page describes ds.query. DeepMemory is a deep learning model that is trained on the dataset to improve the search results, by aligning queries with the corpus dataset. It gives up to +22% of recall improvement on an eval dataset. To use deep_memory, please subscribe to our waitlist.


To start training you should first create a vectostore object, and then preprocess the data and use deep memory with it:

>>> from deeplake import VectorStore
>>> db = VectorStore(
...     path="hub://{$ORG_ID}/{$DATASET_ID}",
...     token=token, # or you can be signed in with CLI
...     runtime={"tensor_db": True},
...     embedding_function=embedding_function, # function that takes converts texts into embeddings, it is optional and can be provided later
... )

To train a deepmemory model you need to preprocess the dataset so that, corpus, will become a list of list of tuples, where outer list corresponds to the query and inner list to the relevant documents. Each tuple should contain the document id (id tensor from the corpus dataset) and the relevance score (range is 0-1, where 0 represents unrelated document and 1 related). queries should be a list of strings.

>>> job_id = db.deep_memory.train(
...     corpus: List[List[Tuple[str, float]]] = corpus,
...     queries: List[str] = queries,
...     embedding_function = embedding_function, # function that takes converts texts into embeddings, it is optional and can be skipped if provided during initialization
... )

Tracking the training progress

job_id is string, which can be used to track the training progress. You can use db.deep_memory.status(job_id) to get the status of the job.

when the model is still in pending state (not started yet) you will see the following: >>> db.deep_memory.status(job_id) ————————————————————– | 6508464cd80cab681bfcfff3 | ————————————————————– | status | pending | ————————————————————– | progress | None | ————————————————————– | results | not available yet | ————————————————————–

After some time the model will start training and you will see the following:

>>> db.deep_memory.status(job_id)
|                  6508464cd80cab681bfcfff3                  |
| status                     | training                      |
| progress                   | eta: 2.5 seconds              |
|                            | recall@10: 0.62% (+0.62%)     |
| results                    | not available yet             |

If you want to get all training jobs you can use db.deep_memory.list_jobs() which will show all jobs that happened on this dataset.

>>> db.deep_memory.list_jobs()
ID                          STATUS     RESULTS                      PROGRESS
65198efcd28df3238c49a849    completed  recall@10: 0.62% (+0.62%)    eta: 2.5 seconds
                                                                    recall@10: 0.62% (+0.62%)
651a4d41d05a21a5a6a15f67    completed  recall@10: 0.62% (+0.62%)    eta: 2.5 seconds
                                                                    recall@10: 0.62% (+0.62%)

Deep Memory Evaluation

Once the training is completed, you can use db.deep_memory.evaluate to evaluate the model performance on the custom dataset. Once again you would need to preprocess the dataset so that, corpus, will become a list of list of tuples, where outer list corresponds to the query and inner list to the relevant documents. Each tuple should contain the document id (id tensor from the corpus dataset) and the relevance score (range is 0-1, where 0 represents unrelated document and 1 related). queries should be a list of strings.

>>> recalls = db.deep_memory.evaluate(
...     corpus: List[List[Tuple[str, float]]] = corpus,
...     queries: List[str] = queries,
...     embedding_function = embedding_function, # function that takes converts texts into embeddings, it is optional and can be skipped if provided during initialization
...     qvs_params = {"enbabled": True}
... )

recalls is a dictionary with the following keys: with_model contains a dictionary with recall metrics for the naive vector search on the custom dataset for different k values without_model contains a dictionary with recall metrics for the naive vector search on the custom dataset for different k values qvs_params when specified creates a separate vectorstore that tracks all evaluation queries and documents, so that you can use it to compare the performance of deep_memory to naive vector search. By default, it is turned off. If enabled the dataset will be created at hub://{$ORG_ID}/{$DATASET_ID}_eval_queries