
class deeplake.core.vectorstore.deeplake_vectorstore.VectorStore

Base class for VectorStore

__init__(path: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Union[str, ~pathlib.Path]] = None, dataset: ~typing.Optional[~deeplake.core.dataset.dataset.Dataset] = None, tensor_params: ~typing.List[~typing.Dict[str, object]] = [{'name': 'text', 'htype': 'text', 'create_id_tensor': False, 'create_sample_info_tensor': False, 'create_shape_tensor': False}, {'name': 'metadata', 'htype': 'json', 'create_id_tensor': False, 'create_sample_info_tensor': False, 'create_shape_tensor': False}, {'name': 'embedding', 'htype': 'embedding', 'dtype': <class 'numpy.float32'>, 'create_id_tensor': False, 'create_sample_info_tensor': False, 'create_shape_tensor': True, 'max_chunk_size': 64000000}, {'name': 'id', 'htype': 'text', 'create_id_tensor': False, 'create_sample_info_tensor': False, 'create_shape_tensor': False}], embedding_function: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Any] = None, read_only: ~typing.Optional[bool] = None, ingestion_batch_size: int = 1000, index_params: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Union[int, str]]] = None, exec_option: str = 'auto', token: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, runtime: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Dict] = None, creds: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Union[~typing.Dict, str]] = None, org_id: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, logger: ~logging.Logger = <Logger deeplake.core.vectorstore.deeplake_vectorstore (INFO)>, branch: str = 'main', indra: bool = False, **kwargs: ~typing.Any) None

Creates an empty VectorStore or loads an existing one if it exists at the specified path.


>>> # Create a vector store with default tensors
>>> data = VectorStore(
...        path = "./my_vector_store",
... )
>>> # Create a vector store in the Deep Lake Managed Tensor Database
>>> data = VectorStore(
...        path = "hub://org_id/dataset_name",
...        runtime = {"tensor_db": True},
... )
>>> # Create a vector store with custom tensors
>>> data = VectorStore(
...        path = "./my_vector_store",
...        tensor_params = [{"name": "text", "htype": "text"},
...                         {"name": "embedding_1", "htype": "embedding"},
...                         {"name": "embedding_2", "htype": "embedding"},
...                         {"name": "source", "htype": "text"},
...                         {"name": "metadata", "htype": "json"}
...                        ]
... )
  • path (str, pathlib.Path) –

    • The full path for storing to the Deep Lake Vector Store. It can be:

    • a Deep Lake cloud path of the form hub://org_id/dataset_name. Requires registration with Deep Lake.

    • an s3 path of the form s3://bucketname/path/to/dataset. Credentials are required in either the environment or passed to the creds argument.

    • a local file system path of the form ./path/to/dataset or ~/path/to/dataset or path/to/dataset.

    • a memory path of the form mem://path/to/dataset which doesn’t save the dataset but keeps it in memory instead. Should be used only for testing as it does not persist.

  • tensor_params (List[Dict[str, dict]], optional) – List of dictionaries that contains information about tensors that user wants to create. See create_tensor in Deep Lake API docs for more information. Defaults to DEFAULT_VECTORSTORE_TENSORS.

  • embedding_function (Optional[Any], optional) – Function or class that converts the embeddable data into embeddings. Input to embedding_function is a list of data and output is a list of embeddings. Defaults to None.

  • read_only (bool, optional) – Opens dataset in read-only mode if True. Defaults to False.

  • ingestion_batch_size (int) – Batch size to use for parallel ingestion.

  • index_params (Dict[str, Union[int, str]]) –

    Dictionary containing information about vector index that will be created. Defaults to None, which will utilize DEFAULT_VECTORSTORE_INDEX_PARAMS from deeplake.constants. The specified key-values override the default ones:

    • ’threshold’: The threshold for the dataset size above which an index will be created for the embedding tensor. When the threshold value is set to -1, index creation is turned off. Defaults to -1, which turns off the index.

    • ’distance_metric’: This key specifies the method of calculating the distance between vectors when creating the vector database (VDB) index. It can either be a string that corresponds to a member of the DistanceType enumeration, or the string value itself.

      • If no value is provided, it defaults to “L2”.

      • ”L2” corresponds to DistanceType.L2_NORM.

      • ”COS” corresponds to DistanceType.COSINE_SIMILARITY.

    • ’additional_params’: Additional parameters for fine-tuning the index.

  • exec_option (str) – Default method for search execution. It could be either "auto", "python", "compute_engine" or "tensor_db". Defaults to "auto". If None, it’s set to “auto”. - auto- Selects the best execution method based on the storage location of the Vector Store. It is the default option. - python - Pure-python implementation that runs on the client and can be used for data stored anywhere. WARNING: using this option with big datasets is discouraged because it can lead to memory issues. - compute_engine - Performant C++ implementation of the Deep Lake Compute Engine that runs on the client and can be used for any data stored in or connected to Deep Lake. It cannot be used with in-memory or local datasets. - tensor_db - Performant and fully-hosted Managed Tensor Database that is responsible for storage and query execution. Only available for data stored in the Deep Lake Managed Database. Store datasets in this database by specifying runtime = {“tensor_db”: True} during dataset creation.

  • token (str, optional) – Activeloop token, used for fetching user credentials. This is Optional, tokens are normally autogenerated. Defaults to None.

  • overwrite (bool) – If set to True this overwrites the Vector Store if it already exists. Defaults to False.

  • verbose (bool) – Whether to print summary of the dataset created. Defaults to True.

  • creds (dict, str, optional) – The string ENV or a dictionary containing credentials used to access the dataset at the path. - If ‘aws_access_key_id’, ‘aws_secret_access_key’, ‘aws_session_token’ are present, these take precedence over credentials present in the environment or in credentials file. Currently only works with s3 paths. - It supports ‘aws_access_key_id’, ‘aws_secret_access_key’, ‘aws_session_token’, ‘endpoint_url’, ‘aws_region’, ‘profile_name’ as keys. - If ‘ENV’ is passed, credentials are fetched from the environment variables. This is also the case when creds is not passed for cloud datasets. For datasets connected to hub cloud, specifying ‘ENV’ will override the credentials fetched from Activeloop and use local ones.

  • runtime (Dict, optional) – Parameters for creating the Vector Store in Deep Lake’s Managed Tensor Database. Not applicable when loading an existing Vector Store. To create a Vector Store in the Managed Tensor Database, set runtime = {“tensor_db”: True}.

  • branch (str) – Branch name to use for the Vector Store. Defaults to “main”.

  • indra (bool) – Flag indicating whether indra api should be used to create the underlying dataset. Defaults to false

  • **kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


Setting overwrite to True will delete all of your data if the Vector Store exists! Be very careful when setting this parameter.

add(embedding_function: Optional[Union[Callable, List[Callable]]] = None, embedding_data: Optional[Union[List, List[List]]] = None, embedding_tensor: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, return_ids: bool = False, rate_limiter: Dict = {'batch_byte_size': 10000, 'bytes_per_minute': 1800000.0, 'enabled': False}, **tensors) Optional[List[str]]

Adding elements to deeplake vector store.

Tensor names are specified as parameters, and data for each tensor is specified as parameter values. All data must of equal length.


>>> # Dummy data
>>> texts = ["Hello", "World"]
>>> embeddings = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> metadatas = [{"timestamp": "01:20"}, {"timestamp": "01:22"}]
>>> emebdding_fn = lambda x: [[1, 2, 3]] * len(x)
>>> embedding_fn_2 = lambda x: [[4, 5]] * len(x)
>>> # Directly upload embeddings
>>> deeplake_vector_store.add(
...     text = texts,
...     embedding = embeddings,
...     metadata = metadatas,
... )
>>> # Upload embedding via embedding function
>>> deeplake_vector_store.add(
...     text = texts,
...     metadata = metadatas,
...     embedding_function = embedding_fn,
...     embedding_data = texts,
... )
>>> # Upload embedding via embedding function to a user-defined embedding tensor
>>> deeplake_vector_store.add(
...     text = texts,
...     metadata = metadatas,
...     embedding_function = embedding_fn,
...     embedding_data = texts,
...     embedding_tensor = "embedding_1",
... )
>>> # Multiple embedding functions (user defined embedding tensors must be specified)
>>> deeplake_vector_store.add(
...     embedding_tensor = ["embedding_1", "embedding_2"]
...     embedding_function = [embedding_fn, embedding_fn_2],
...     embedding_data = [texts, texts],
... )
>>> # Alternative syntax for multiple embedding functions
>>> deeplake_vector_store.add(
...     text = texts,
...     metadata = metadatas,
...     embedding_tensor_1 = (embedding_fn, texts),
...     embedding_tensor_2 = (embedding_fn_2, texts),
... )
>>> # Add data to fully custom tensors
>>> deeplake_vector_store.add(
...     tensor_A = [1, 2],
...     tensor_B = ["a", "b"],
...     tensor_C = ["some", "data"],
...     embedding_function = embedding_fn,
...     embedding_data = texts,
...     embedding_tensor = "embedding_1",
... )
  • embedding_function (Optional[Callable]) – embedding function used to convert embedding_data into embeddings. Input to embedding_function is a list of data and output is a list of embeddings. Overrides the embedding_function specified when initializing the Vector Store.

  • embedding_data (Optional[List]) – Data to be converted into embeddings using the provided embedding_function. Defaults to None.

  • embedding_tensor (Optional[str]) – Tensor where results from the embedding function will be stored. If None, the embedding tensor is automatically inferred (when possible). Defaults to None.

  • return_ids (bool) – Whether to return added ids as an ouput of the method. Defaults to False.

  • rate_limiter (Dict) – Rate limiter configuration. Defaults to {"enabled": False, "bytes_per_minute": MAX_BYTES_PER_MINUTE, "batch_byte_size": TARGET_BYTE_SIZE}.

  • **tensors – Keyword arguments where the key is the tensor name, and the value is a list of samples that should be uploaded to that tensor.


List of ids if return_ids is set to True. Otherwise, None.

Return type


checkout(branch: str = 'main', create=False) None

Checkout the Vector Store to a specific branch.

  • branch (str) – Branch name to checkout. Defaults to “main”.

  • create (bool) – Whether to create the branch if it doesn’t exist. Defaults to False.

commit(allow_empty: bool = True) None

Commits the Vector Store.


allow_empty (bool) – Whether to allow empty commits. Defaults to True.

property dataset

Returns the dataset

delete(row_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[Union[Dict, Callable]] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, exec_option: Optional[str] = None, delete_all: Optional[bool] = None) bool

Delete the data in the Vector Store. Does not delete the tensor definitions. To delete the vector store completely, first run VectorStore.delete_by_path().


>>> # Delete using ids:
>>> data = vector_store.delete(ids)
>>> # Delete data using filter
>>> data = vector_store.delete(
...        filter = {"json_tensor_name": {"key: value"}, "json_tensor_name_2": {"key_2: value_2"}},
... )
>>> # Delete data using TQL
>>> data = vector_store.delete(
...        query = "select * where ..... <add TQL syntax>",
...        exec_option = "compute_engine",
... )
  • ids (Optional[List[str]]) – List of unique ids. Defaults to None.

  • row_ids (Optional[List[int]]) – List of absolute row indices from the dataset. Defaults to None.

  • filter (Union[Dict, Callable], optional) – Filter for finding samples for deletion. - Dict - Key-value search on tensors of htype json, evaluated on an AND basis (a sample must satisfy all key-value filters to be True) Dict = {“tensor_name_1”: {“key”: value}, “tensor_name_2”: {“key”: value}} - Function - Any function that is compatible with deeplake.filter.

  • query (Optional[str]) – TQL Query string for direct evaluation for finding samples for deletion, without application of additional filters.

  • exec_option (Optional[str]) – Method for search execution. It could be either "python", "compute_engine" or "tensor_db". Defaults to None, which inherits the option from the Vector Store initialization. - python - Pure-python implementation that runs on the client and can be used for data stored anywhere. WARNING: using this option with big datasets is discouraged because it can lead to memory issues. - compute_engine - Performant C++ implementation of the Deep Lake Compute Engine that runs on the client and can be used for any data stored in or connected to Deep Lake. It cannot be used with in-memory or local datasets. - tensor_db - Performant and fully-hosted Managed Tensor Database that is responsible for storage and query execution. Only available for data stored in the Deep Lake Managed Database. Store datasets in this database by specifying runtime = {“tensor_db”: True} during dataset creation.

  • delete_all (Optional[bool]) – Whether to delete all the samples and version history of the dataset. Defaults to None.


Returns True if deletion was successful, otherwise it raises a ValueError.

Return type



ValueError – If neither ids, filter, query, nor delete_all are specified, or if an invalid exec_option is provided.

static delete_by_path(path: Union[str, Path], token: Optional[str] = None, force: bool = False, creds: Optional[Union[Dict, str]] = None) None

Deleted the Vector Store at the specified path.

  • path (str, pathlib.Path) – The full path to the Deep Lake Vector Store.

  • token (str, optional) – Activeloop token, used for fetching user credentials. This is optional, as tokens are normally autogenerated. Defaults to None.

  • creds (dict, str, optional) – The string ENV or a dictionary containing credentials used to access the dataset at the path. - If ‘aws_access_key_id’, ‘aws_secret_access_key’, ‘aws_session_token’ are present, these take precedence over credentials present in the environment or in credentials file. Currently only works with s3 paths. - It supports ‘aws_access_key_id’, ‘aws_secret_access_key’, ‘aws_session_token’, ‘endpoint_url’, ‘aws_region’, ‘profile_name’ as keys. - If ‘ENV’ is passed, credentials are fetched from the environment variables. This is also the case when creds is not passed for cloud datasets. For datasets connected to hub cloud, specifying ‘ENV’ will override the credentials fetched from Activeloop and use local ones.

  • force (bool) – delete the path in a forced manner without rising an exception. Defaults to True.


This method permanently deletes all of your data if the Vector Store exists! Be very careful when using this method.

search(embedding_data: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, embedding_function: Optional[Callable] = None, embedding: Optional[Union[List[float], ndarray]] = None, k: int = 4, distance_metric: Optional[str] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[Union[Dict, Callable]] = None, exec_option: Optional[str] = None, embedding_tensor: str = 'embedding', return_tensors: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_view: bool = False, deep_memory: bool = False, return_tql: bool = False) Union[Dict, Dataset]

VectorStore search method that combines embedding search, metadata search, and custom TQL search.


>>> # Search using an embedding
>>> data =
...        embedding = [1, 2, 3],
...        exec_option = "python",
... )
>>> # Search using an embedding function and data for embedding
>>> data =
...        embedding_data = "What does this chatbot do?",
...        embedding_function = query_embedding_fn,
...        exec_option = "compute_engine",
... )
>>> # Add a filter to your search
>>> data =
...        embedding = np.ones(3),
...        exec_option = "python",
...        filter = {"json_tensor_name": {"key: value"}, "json_tensor_name_2": {"key_2: value_2"},...}, # Only valid for exec_option = "python"
... )
>>> # Search using TQL
>>> data =
...        query = "select * where ..... <add TQL syntax>",
...        exec_option = "tensor_db", # Only valid for exec_option = "compute_engine" or "tensor_db"
... )
  • embedding (Union[np.ndarray, List[float]], optional) – Embedding representation for performing the search. Defaults to None. The embedding_data and embedding cannot both be specified.

  • embedding_data (List[str]) – Data against which the search will be performed by embedding it using the embedding_function. Defaults to None. The embedding_data and embedding cannot both be specified.

  • embedding_function (Optional[Callable], optional) – function for converting embedding_data into embedding. Only valid if embedding_data is specified. Input to embedding_function is a list of data and output is a list of embeddings.

  • k (int) – Number of elements to return after running query. Defaults to 4.

  • distance_metric (str) – Distance metric to use for sorting the data. Avaliable options are: "L1", "L2", "COS", "MAX". Defaults to None, which uses same distance metric specified in index_params. If there is no index, it performs linear search using DEFAULT_VECTORSTORE_DISTANCE_METRIC.

  • query (Optional[str]) – TQL Query string for direct evaluation, without application of additional filters or vector search.

  • filter (Union[Dict, Callable], optional) –

    Additional filter evaluated prior to the embedding search.

    • Dict - Key-value search on tensors of htype json, evaluated on an AND basis (a sample must satisfy all key-value filters to be True) Dict = {“tensor_name_1”: {“key”: value}, “tensor_name_2”: {“key”: value}}

    • Function - Any function that is compatible with Dataset.filter.

  • exec_option (Optional[str]) –

    Method for search execution. It could be either "python", "compute_engine" or "tensor_db". Defaults to None, which inherits the option from the Vector Store initialization.

    • python - Pure-python implementation that runs on the client and can be used for data stored anywhere. WARNING: using this option with big datasets is discouraged because it can lead to memory issues.

    • compute_engine - Performant C++ implementation of the Deep Lake Compute Engine that runs on the client and can be used for any data stored in or connected to Deep Lake. It cannot be used with in-memory or local datasets.

    • tensor_db - Performant and fully-hosted Managed Tensor Database that is responsible for storage and query execution. Only available for data stored in the Deep Lake Managed Database. Store datasets in this database by specifying runtime = {“tensor_db”: True} during dataset creation.

  • embedding_tensor (str) – Name of tensor with embeddings. Defaults to “embedding”.

  • return_tensors (Optional[List[str]]) – List of tensors to return data for. Defaults to None, which returns data for all tensors except the embedding tensor (in order to minimize payload). To return data for all tensors, specify return_tensors = “*”.

  • return_view (bool) – Return a Deep Lake dataset view that satisfied the search parameters, instead of a dictionary with data. Defaults to False. If True return_tensors is set to “*” beucase data is lazy-loaded and there is no cost to including all tensors in the view.

  • deep_memory (bool) – Whether to use the Deep Memory model for improving search results. Defaults to False if deep_memory is not specified in the Vector Store initialization. If True, the distance metric is set to “deepmemory_distance”, which represents the metric with which the model was trained. The search is performed using the Deep Memory model. If False, the distance metric is set to “COS” or whatever distance metric user specifies.

  • return_tql (bool) – Whether to return the TQL query string used for the search. Defaults to False.

  • ValueError – When invalid parameters are specified.

  • ValueError – when deep_memory is True. Deep Memory is only available for datasets stored in the Deep Lake Managed Database for paid accounts.

  • DeepMemoryAccessError – if user does not have access to deep_memory.


Dictionary where keys are tensor names and values are the results of the search

Return type



Prints a summary of the dataset


Returns the list of tensors present in the dataset

update_embedding(row_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[Union[Dict, Callable]] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, exec_option: Optional[str] = None, embedding_function: Optional[Union[Callable, List[Callable]]] = None, embedding_source_tensor: Union[str, List[str]] = 'text', embedding_tensor: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None)

Recompute existing embeddings of the VectorStore, that match either query, filter, ids or row_ids.


>>> # Update using ids:
>>> data = vector_store.update(
...    ids,
...    embedding_source_tensor = "text",
...    embedding_tensor = "embedding",
...    embedding_function = embedding_function,
... )
>>> # Update data using filter and several embedding_tensors, several embedding_source_tensors
>>> # and several embedding_functions:
>>> data = vector_store.update(
...     embedding_source_tensor = ["text", "metadata"],
...     embedding_function = ["text_embedding_function", "metadata_embedding_function"],
...     filter = {"json_tensor_name": {"key: value"}, "json_tensor_name_2": {"key_2: value_2"}},
...     embedding_tensor = ["text_embedding", "metadata_embedding"]
... )
>>> # Update data using TQL, if new embedding function is not specified the embedding_function used
>>> # during initialization will be used
>>> data = vector_store.update(
...     embedding_source_tensor = "text",
...     query = "select * where ..... <add TQL syntax>",
...     exec_option = "compute_engine",
...     embedding_tensor = "embedding_tensor",
... )
  • row_ids (Optional[List[str]], optional) – Row ids of the elements for replacement. Defaults to None.

  • ids (Optional[List[str]], optional) – hash ids of the elements for replacement. Defaults to None.

  • filter (Optional[Union[Dict, Callable]], optional) – Filter for finding samples for replacement. - Dict - Key-value search on tensors of htype json, evaluated on an AND basis (a sample must satisfy all key-value filters to be True) Dict = {“tensor_name_1”: {“key”: value}, “tensor_name_2”: {“key”: value}} - Function - Any function that is compatible with deeplake.filter

  • query (Optional[str], optional) – TQL Query string for direct evaluation for finding samples for deletion, without application of additional filters. Defaults to None.

  • exec_option (Optional[str]) – Method for search execution. It could be either "python", "compute_engine" or "tensor_db". Defaults to None, which inherits the option from the Vector Store initialization. - python - Pure-python implementation that runs on the client and can be used for data stored anywhere. WARNING: using this option with big datasets is discouraged because it can lead to memory issues. - compute_engine - Performant C++ implementation of the Deep Lake Compute Engine that runs on the client and can be used for any data stored in or connected to Deep Lake. It cannot be used with in-memory or local datasets. - tensor_db - Performant and fully-hosted Managed Tensor Database that is responsible for storage and query execution. Only available for data stored in the Deep Lake Managed Database. Store datasets in this database by specifying runtime = {“tensor_db”: True} during dataset creation.

  • embedding_function (Optional[Union[Callable, List[Callable]]], optional) – function for converting embedding_source_tensor into embedding. Only valid if embedding_source_tensor is specified. Defaults to None.

  • embedding_source_tensor (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – Name of tensor with data that needs to be converted to embeddings. Defaults to text.

  • embedding_tensor (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional) – Name of the tensor with embeddings. Defaults to None.